Thursday, January 1, 2009


Early on in Joe and my series of discussions regarding our daughter's name, Joe balked at one of my suggestions, "HORTENSE? What? You can't be serious! No! Absolutely not. No daughter of mine is going to have the name Hortense." I guess I had to admit I understood where he was coming from. I am clueless most of the time and was no cool kid in middle school, but I do teach them and know Hortense would have a hard way to go through middle school. "Hey, Whore!" Yeah, that's pretty cruel. So, Hortense was off the long list quickly.

Ever since reading A Stranger and a Friend in graduate school, I held a very special place for Hortense Powdermaker. She was a remarkable anthropologist.

And now I am going to make a big, giant leap. It possibly will not make sense. I want a tattoo. I have never before wanted a tattoo, and now I do. "What of?" people ask. "Where?" people ask. And I answer, "I don't know. I don't know." But I do know that I want a tattoo. I am seeing them more like visual documentation of a life. And I have quite a few things going on in my life that I would like to document. (But I am open to suggestions and comments.)


Kaiser Will said...

My suggestion: Don't get one.


David Duckworth said...

Don't get a butterfly, and don't get something at the small of your back. These are entirely too common - and in case you didn't know, a common epithet for a tatoo at the small of the back is "tramp stamp."

*Jill* said...

well, when I got my "tramp stamp", WHERE wasn't as important as what. I wanted a tattoo for a while, but didn't know what and knew that I wasn't going to be impulsive. Once I knew "what", it took me 6 mos to find the design (wasn't really looking, just happened upon a stamp while shopping for Christmas decorations in Hobby Lobby). Once I found the design, I carried it around in my purse for another 6 mos before I got it. So, my advice, make it mean something special and don't be impulsive, but DO IT if you want!!! You can see pics in my first album on facebook ;)